From the Publisher’s Pen: Apple iPad Apps on the Way
September was a big month for us here at Braxton-Bragg and the Slippery Rock Gazette. We continue to invest for the future. To serve our Braxton-Bragg customers better, we have completed the upgrade for our salesmen to the iPhone 5. Give your favorite salesman a call and ask him if he has figured out how to use all the features yet.
We continue to work on our new iPad App. Apple has introduced a new operating system for the iPad, so we are incorporating the bells and whistles of the new system. If you have not yet spent time exploring the iPad, check it out, it really is an amazing product. My personal favorite is FaceTime because I can visit with my grandchildren.
Staying on the technology vein, we introduced a new email program in September that is very sophisticated and will enable us to serve you better in the future. Like all new complex technology, it was expensive and at times difficult to learn, but I think we just about have it under control. If we have inconvenienced you, we sincerely apologize and if you don’t want to hear from us, just click unsubscribe.
The Viper® line of CNC tooling was also introduced in September. We are very excited about this tooling. The target we have been aiming at is ADI tooling. The performance we observed in testing was excellent and we have priced the tools at a huge savings to ADI. If you have a CNC machine and want superior performance at a huge discount, give us a call.
Last but not least is the new Stone Shield™ Color Enhancer and Sealer. The high concentration of color-enhanced slabs on the market makes a product like this a necessity. Stone Shield Color Enhancer and Sealer is a UV stable product that is suitable for inside or outside use. Check it out on our new product section at
Have a good read,
Rich Hassert
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